Corbridge Parish Hall

Corbridge Parish Hall
The Parish Hall is located in St Helen’s Street, Corbridge NE45 5BE

The Parish Hall has rooms which are available for public use.
There are 3 rooms available for hire; the main hall (which can accommodate 160 people), the Mearns Room (35 people) and Room One (35 people). There is a well equipped kitchen.
Rooms are available by the hour or part hour between

8.00am – 23.30 Sunday – Thursday, and
8.00 – 00.30 Friday and Saturday.

Bookings for the Hall are taken by Mandy Senior, the Clerk to the Council and forms are available below or in the parish hall, download a copy of the terms and conditions of rental and the current tariff. A booking form is also available below or from the caretaker.

To check availability of the hall please click here.


Chris Urwin
Parish Hall Caretaker
Tel No: 07879 554487